
What the QRMC Could Mean for Military Families

February 02, 2023

The following is an opinion submitted by staff member Derek Doyle and not necessarily the views of MFAN.


You may have seen the long-awaited news that service members, advocates, and military-serving organizations have been clamoring for since last fall.


In a January 31, 2023 memorandum, President Biden directed the Pentagon to review the military’s pay and benefits. But what is this review and how might it affect your military family?


What is the QRMC?

  • The study – known as the Quadrennial Review of Military Compensation – is a Department of Defense (DoD) commissioned effort conducted every four years to assess military pay and benefits
  • The report is carried out by an expansive group from all the services, DoD, and research institutions
  • Although the President is required by law to initiate the review, the Defense Secretary is assigned the role of Executive Agent
  • The bottom-line goal of the QRMC is to ensure service members are paid comparatively to the civilian market and can afford necessities

14th QRMC

  • The fourteenth review will be President Biden’s first
  • This announcement comes just weeks after DoD implemented the largest year-to-year percentage jump for the Basic Allowance for Subsistence (+11%) and Basic Allowance for Housing (+12%) in decades
  • Within the directive, President Biden underscores military pay has a significant effect on recruiting, and also recognized the importance of food and housing support
  • The review will begin immediately and is due within two years (no later than January 2025)


  1. DoD Military Compensation Reference Page: Access previous QRMC reports, executive summaries, and research information.
  2. White House Memorandum: Read President Biden’s memo directing the Secretary of Defense to conduct a complete review of the principles and concepts of the compensation system for members of the uniformed services.
  3. Defense Finance and Accounting Service: DFAS provides payment services for the U.S. Department of Defense. Use this website to find 2023 military pay tables, and to better understand pay, allowances, and entitlements.

About the Author

Derek Doyle

Director of Public Affairs
Derek leads the creation and implementation of MFAN’s external-facing communication strategies – including content creation, media relat…
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