In case you missed it, MFAN was in the news this week. Executive Director Shannon Razsadin spok...
Difficulty finding child care has been a perennial finding in MFAN’s support programming surveys. In the most recen...
This past week we celebrated International Day of Friendship and the Coast Guard’s 230th birt...
Celebrating Friendship In 2011, the United Nations General Assembly designated July 30 as the International Day of F...
THE GOOD NEWS? STATES ARE STARTING TO GIVE IT TO THEM Colorado Governor Jared Polis recently signed a bill into law...
There are nearly as many how the military changed my wedding plans stories as there are military couples, but this ye...
Emily Starbuck Gerson is an MFAN Advisory Board member and the partner of an Air Force service member stationed in En...
“I received severe emotional abuse from my military spouse. Finally got strength to leave after a marriage of over 40...
“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” —Antoine de Saint-Exupéry You’re two months into quarantine and you've alre...