

All Blog Articles

February 02, 2014

My Platform for Military Spouse of the Year

When I think about “platforms,” I can’t help but picture sequins, sashes, tiaras, and prayers for world peace. That’s...

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January 28, 2014

The 4-11 on the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013

A hot topic among military families these days has been the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013 and its cuts to military re...

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October 11, 2013

MFAN Members Participate in White House Summit

On the eve of the federal government shutdown and the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, 10 Military Family A...

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October 10, 2013

Welcome to MFAN’s Blog!

Welcome to Military Family Advisory Network’s (MFAN) blog. MFAN advisors—spouses, caregivers, veterans, and partners ...

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