Military and veteran spouses selected from nationwide search to provide insight into the lived experiences of today’s...
The transition from active duty to veteran or retiree family can be as confusing as it is exciting. Through the Trans...
The opinions expressed in this guest column are the views of the author. Moving to a new duty station as...
Over sixty percent (61.0%) of those surveyed in MFAN's 2021 Military Family Support Programming Survey live in off-ba...
Renewal of DoD council seeks to improve military family readiness policies & practices WASHINGTON (June 28, 2023...
The transition from active duty to veteran or retiree family can be as confusing as it is exciting. Through the Trans...
WASHINGTON (June 9, 2023) — MFAN President & Executive Director Shannon Razsadin issued the following statement i...
With input from the MSO/VSO community and our greater partner network, MFAN authored a letter to the United States De...
Military life is truly a family affair. For 10-year-old Maggie, it's the environment she's growing up in. Her dad ser...