

MFAN’s work has been covered in national and local print, broadcast, and digital news. Whether we’re discussing our latest research, introducing the broader public to the modern military family, or weighing in on our lifestyle, we’re committed to responsibly representing military families based on what we see in our research and what we experience firsthand.

For Media Inquiries

+1 (202) 821-4195

Press Releases & Media Coverage

January 22, 2019

Military Online Financial Education Program Hits Major Unique User Milestone

The Military Family Advisory Network’s (MFAN) MilCents, an online social learning financial educa...

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March 02, 2018

A new survey details how military families manage hardships on Coast Live

The Military Family Advisory Network shares with us the results of a brand new survey on military...

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March 01, 2018

The best way to help military movers? More money

“Financial assistance” ranked first on the list of suggested permanent change-of-station move imp...

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March 01, 2018

Military Family Support Survey 2017 Results

The 2017 Military Family Support Programming Survey results are in! The full survey report — the ...

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March 01, 2018

Report Shows Finances as a Top Concern for Troops, Families

A new report shows financial worries around health care, education, child care and frequent moves...

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February 18, 2015

New Survey of Military Families Reveals Most Valued Programs and Services

Survey gives voice to military families and sets Military Family Advisory Network advocacy agenda...

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