MFAN’s work has been covered in national and local print, broadcast, and digital news. Whether we’re discussing our latest research, introducing the broader public to the modern military family, or weighing in on our lifestyle, we’re committed to responsibly representing military families based on what we see in our research and what we experience firsthand.
The Military and Family Advisory Network ran an online survey last month that received 16,000 res...
The Military Family Advisory Network, which advocates for servicemembers and their families, rece...
The non-profit Military Family Advisory Network (MFAN) conducted an online survey from Jan. 30 to...
According to the Military Family Advisory Network, these living conditions are all too common — d...
More than 50 percent of military families living on U.S. bases found their privately managed mili...
The Military Family Advisory Network fielded an online questionnaire from Jan. 30 to Feb. 6 for i...
The Senate Armed Services Committee got an earful from military families who are forced to live i...
Severe mold, asbestos and electrical hazards are among the dangers in private military housing fo...
Military families described living in decrepit, dangerous and inescapable homes at a Wednesday he...